Saturday, July 21, 2012

Dream Big!

          Have any of you ever had a dream? A dream you wanted to desperately you were willing to do anything it takes to achieve it? A dream that you watched other people live out while you sat there and clung to the hope that maybe someday....
           Well, dream big! You never know what is out there!! You don't know what sort of special qualities lie inside of you!! If you want to make it to Hollywood, who can stop you? If there is a will, there is a way!!! You are amazing! You have what it takes to achieve what ever you can dream of! Dig down deep and discover your talents! You were meant to use them to inspire other people, so don't hide it!! Be proud of who you are! You are uniquely you! As Mary Poppins puts it, you are "Practically perfect in every way!!"
          Dream outside of the box! Dream big!
                                                                     ~Smile :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Laura Larsen Challenge

           My family and I recently went on a small vacation up in Salt Lake and then Park City. Sunday rolled around and we couldn't shop, and we tried to refrain from spending any money. So, we all piled into the car to take a scenic drive and before we were all even buckled,  my mom pulled out these talks with a sly smile on her face. Of course, a talk was not what I preferred to listen to. She promised us that we would just listen to one. That's cool, I thought.
          Well, the talk began. It was by Hank Smith at an EFY(Especially for youth) fireside. In that talk, I found myself laughing more often than not. Towards the end, the audience quieted down, and he began to talk about this girl he knew in High School, named Laura Larsen. He said that Laura Larsen 'glowed.' She was always smiling, and saying high to people. Hank Smith asked us to take the Laura Larsen challenge. This consists of smiling, and talking/ reaching out to people who you wouldn't normally associate with. Never be rude, or make someone feel less superior to you. We are all awesome in our own ways! :)
           I ask you to take the Laura Larsen Challenge, too. See what happens to you and others. :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Why "Smile"?

            Smile. Why did I name this blog smile? Recently, I read an article in the newspaper regarding a young mans poor health and unlucky happenings in his past. This certain young man had every right in the world to become a negative, sad person. However, he looked beyond himself! He was positive and he still "smiled." I personally believe that however tough life can get, we can all still smile. And who knows, a simple act of service(smiling to someone) can change their world, and possible your own. So smile. :)